Christmas outreach

  • joy offering

    Christmas Eve - Sunday, December 24

    On Christmas Eve, as we have been doing for several years, we will be taking a Christmas Joy Offering.  The offering will be for either the Joy Offering or to our local mission organizations.

    If you use the Joy Offering envelope, it will go to the PC(USA) Joy Offering which helps the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions provide critical financial assistance to eligible church workers and retired pastors and their families in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The Joy Offering also supports the education and development of our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. To see and hear from some of those impacted by our gifts, click here.

    If you choose to support our local mission organizations, make your check out to FPC with “local mission support” on the memo line. The offering supports all of these and many other ministries of our local community. 

  • giving trees

    Sunday, November 26 - Sunday, December 10

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the Salvation Army Giving Tree and the Nursing Home Giving Tree gifts for 2023.

    All 100 Salvation Army tags were adopted. The Nursing Homes were also blessed.  We had 77 nursing home gifts adopted for Mesa Manor, Mantey Heights, Larchwood, and Peachtree Assisted Living.

  • operation christmas child

    Sunday, October 22 - Sunday, November 12

    A gift from you, sent with the gift of the Gospel to the ends of the Earth! 

    Thank you to everyone who filled a shoebox. We delivered 194 boxes to the collection point at Clifton Christian Church.